Love life

Introducing LOVE LIFE’s new campaign: ‘Ready!’

The new LOVE LIFE campaign centres on the personal Safer Sex Check.

If sex is on the cards, we want to make sure we’re ready and 100% prepared. And being properly prepared also means doing the new Safer Sex Check with personal recommendations on protection and testing. This preparation is the focus of the new LOVE LIFE campaign from the Federal Office of Public Health, the Swiss AIDS Federation and SEXUAL HEALTH SWITZERLAND.

In four motifs, we show people preparing for a sexual encounter – and that includes doing the Safer Sex Check. In the three films, we show what can and should happen before sex – with an unexpected twist.


Campaign materials


Previous campaigns

The first Swiss HIV prevention campaign dates back to 1987. Ever since, the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) has been working with partner organisations to run annual awareness campaigns on HIV protection featuring posters and adverts. Initially as STOP AIDS, then later as LOVE LIFE – STOP AIDS, and since 2005 as LOVE LIFE. Since 2011, the campaign has also raised awareness about other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and safer sex.

The aim of LOVE LIFE is to promote the sexual health literacy and risk awareness of sexually active people in Switzerland. Since 2024 the campaign has focussed on personalised recommendations on protection and testing for HIV, STIs, and hepatitis B and C. The central tool for this is the Safer Sex Check.